Glasshouse Borders

Access to this part of our gardens is via the Garden Cafe, up a central path surrounded by naturalistic style planting. Narcissus, Tulips, Alliums and Camassia begin the season, followed by perennials, including Nepeta, Hemerocallis ‘Corky’, Sedum ‘Purple Emperor’ Knautia macedonica and Veronicastrum, interspersed with Miscanthus sinensis ‘Silberspinne’. The North facing border is filled with Hosta, Astilbe, Heuchera and Tricyrtis.

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Glasshouse Borders

The Tropical Garden

Adjacent to the Cafe, our Tropical Garden was established in 2011. The layout is formal, but the planting is relaxed and heavily reliant on mostly tender exotics planted out each Spring. The central planters are dotted with Trachycarpus palms and Cordyline australis. Cannas, Dahlias, Bananas and Tetrapanax papyrifer are interplanted with large leaved hardy plants suchs as Ligularia and Rodgersia.

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The Tropical Garden

The Pool Garden

The Gazebo leads through to the Pool Garden, which is surrounded by an old established yew hedge. A long central pond is flanked by a parterre. Tulips abound in Spring, in the parterre and the surrounding borders. The borders are ‘cottage garden’ style planting, Campanula, Phlox, Agapanthus, Hellebores, Miscanthus, Penstemon, Aquilegia and Irises all jostle for space here.

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The Pool Garden

The Chapel Garden

The smallest area of the main gardens, the Chapel garden, is reached through the wrought iron gates. Two old Irish yew stand sentry at the entrance. Another formal area with a small pool, the small borders contain a variety of perennials, Nepeta, Lychnis, Echinacea pupurea ‘White Swan’, Dianthus ‘Alan Titchmarsh’, Hemerocallis ‘Joan Senior’, Miscanthus cosmopolitan and Erigeron annuus, share the space with Viburnum and Choisya.

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The Chapel Garden

Pergola Walk

On leaving the Chapel Garden you enter the Pergola Walk. With its adjacent herbaceous borders, it is the main access point to the rest of the gardens. Roses and Clematis climb the brick pillars. Narcissus and Tulipa ‘Jan Reus’ in Spring are followed by the herbaceous perennials. Perpendicular to these and the Pergola are four borders reaching out towards the hills in the distance.

Pergola Walk

Pergola Walk

A large and impressive Cedar, Cedrus atlantica ‘Glauca’ dominates the Western boundary of the garden, across the lawn toward the house. At the steps leading to the back of the house are small borders with multiple stemmed Prunus serrula (Tibetan Cherry), Agapanthus, Phlomis russeliana and Clematis. There are also Phlox and Sedum planted along this terrace.

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Pergola Walk









Flowers & Gifts